
Stock Protection


Killing insects, larvae and eggs

As a rule, products such as nuts, seeds, cereals or dried fruit, etc. must be stored in a dry place to avoid the proliferation of pests. But there are still numerous pests, especially insects and their larvae, that can reproduce well under these conditions.

It becomes problematic when a product containing eggs or larvae is stored. The hatched larvae can cause immense damage, so that the stored product must be completely destroyed.

It is hard to imagine the damage to the reputation of the company and the health of the consumer when the product infested with insect, larvae or egg deposits on the shelves of supermarkets ends up in the hands of the end consumer.

Our infrared technology with the FoodSafety-IRD is used to prevent this. Stock protection is a side effect during the pasteurization, sterilization, or roasting process. Without any addition of gases, chemicals or radiation, but exclusively through the use of infrared light, pests are destroyed and the protection of the supplies is achieved.

Advantages of stock protection using infrared light

Advantages for your products
  • Safe killing of insects and eggs
  • Uniform treatment
  • Germ reduction, binding of residual moisture and stock protection
  • Maximum protection of the final product
Advantages of our system
  • No use of gases, chemicals or radiation
  • Short dwell-time
  • Multifunctional performance

Your products

Dried fruits
Our solutions
