
Infrared Technology FS-IRD

Infrared Process

The power of infrared light as a highly innovative process

Experience the efficiency of infrared light with our FoodSafety-IRD (FS-IRD) system, the heart of our individual complete solutions for the food industry. This natural process offers significant benefits in a wide range of applications and achieves excellent results for a wide range of foods such as spices, herbs, nuts, seeds, tea, dried vegetables, dried fruits, etc.

Multiple processes - one versatile machine

In more than 8,000 individual analyses and validations, the machine has proven its exceptional multifunctional performance with infrared light for the following applications:

Different sizes for different requirements:

  • FoodSafety-IRD (for continuous processes)
  • FoodSafety-IR-BATCH (for discontinuous processes)
  • FoodSafety-IR-LAB (for in-house developments)

Advantages of our system for your products

Advantages for your products
  • Natural process – alternative to sterilization with EtO, PPO and gamma irradiation
  • Suitable for organic food
  • Organoleptic properties are retained
  • 5-log reduction of germ counts for many products
  • Different applications in one step
  • Quick temperature adjustment
  • Up to 5 temperature zones
  • Uniform treatment
  • Fast and gentle processing
  • No gases, chemicals or radiation
  • Validation system for many products
Advantages of our system
  • The product is always in motion - constant surface replacement
  • Short dwell time
  • Immediate start of production
  • No preheating required
  • Fully integrated control system
  • Multifunctional performance
  • Energy efficient
  • CO2 neutrality possible
  • CIP (Cleaning in Place)
  • A wide range of products can be processed
  • Low maintenance costs

How our system works

The infrared light of the FoodSafety-IRD (FS-IRD) heats the core of the product directly and very quickly from the inside out. This allows for a gentle process that preserves and sometimes even enhances the taste and color of the product. Unlike other thermal processes such as hot air drying, which take a long time to heat a product from the outside, the process in the FoodSafety-IRD takes only a few minutes! During this natural process, the intensity of the infrared light is adjusted to the product temperature. Overheating is prevented by the self-regulating system, which guarantees a constant process temperature. The constant and gentle rotation of the rotary tube ensures uniform infrared light exposure of the product to be treated.

Continuous processes with FoodSafety-IRD

Capacity in the range of 40 to 2,000 kg/h*

*The size of the machine depends on the process and the characteristics of the product to be treated

Discontinuous processes with FoodSafety-IR-BATCH

Capacity in the range of 50 to 250 l/batch*

*The size of the machine depends on the process and the characteristics of the product to be treated


Product developments with FoodSafety-IR-LAB


The field of application of the FS-IR-LAB laboratory machine...

... ranges from the development of new products to the processing of very small quantities (5 l/batch) to quality control.


All our machines are fully automated:

Control with touchscreen
Recipe management
Plant status
Information storage
Interfaces to dosages