

Food Safety

Infrared drying system for food

One of the most important applications in the food industry where infrared light technology is used is the drying or dehydration of a wide range of bulk materials, such as herbs, spices, teas, nuts, seeds, dried vegetables, dried fruits, etc.

Your products

Spices & herbs
Pet food
Alternative protein sources

Why is product drying necessary?

It helps to improve storage conditions by reducing moisture content and water activity. This prevents the proliferation of bacteria and mold during storage. The shelf life of the food is extended while preserving the nutritional values and taste.
Many products are processed after harvesting or storage and must be free of agglomerates and flowable. For some processes, such as grinding, it may also be necessary for the product to have a very specific moisture content, otherwise processing is technically impossible. On the other hand, water also means weight. Drying therefore does not mean lowering the moisture to the lowest possible level. The challenge is particularly to achieve the optimal residual moisture content of the product with a uniform drying result, and at the same time not to waste water.

Advantages of our infrared system

In many conventional processes, the product lies more or less statically on a belt or in a container. It is exposed to air at a constant temperature. There is little or no continuous circulation of the product or product-dependent adjustment of the drying temperature. These processes are often efficient at the beginning of the drying process, but as the residual moisture in the product and process decreases (from approx. 20 - 25%), efficiency falls over time.

With the KREYENBORG's infrared technology (FoodSafety-IRD), it is possible to adjust the process so that the residual moisture in the product corresponds exactly to the desired target range without significantly changing the sensory attributes such as color, taste, etc.

Different input moisture levels and varying grain sizes can often require very rapid adjustments to the drying temperatures. The moisture content of a product is often not homogeneous. The intensity of the infrared light inside the FoodSafety-IRD is automatically regulated depending on the product and process temperature. Up to four temperature zones can be set individually for the product. The system control automatically regulates the temperature by automatically increasing or decreasing the light intensity depending on the current product temperature. This prevents damage to the product and over- or under-drying. The product is then heated directly from the inside to the outside within a few minutes, while the rotating drum ensures constant and gentle mixing of the product. This also prevents the formation of nests or agglomerates. Our drying process dries the product to the maximum and minimizes damage.

This is how easy it is to dry extrudates

Whether the final product is a snack or TVP (Textured Vegetable Protein, e.g. textured soy as a meat substitute), a drying process is often required after the extruder to determine the moisture content of the product and ensure its shelf life.

Our solution
